Rapper, listen i know your from the hood. i realize that you have a reputation to up hold. why is it that with all this "new found money" you now have why is that you still insist on being arrested for dumb nigger crimes. I get allhiphop.com email updates on my blackberry everyday. sadly it has become and everyday occurrence that some rapper get pulled over by the police and undoubtably has weed and drugs in their car.... sir you are out of the hood. you have "people" now like really? you can send someone you grab your weed for you. and what are you doing with a gun... why is this necessary. who could you possible need to blast on. and don't give me that i need it for protection bullshit. you ain't nobody. your a rapper if u really have people in the hood that wanna kill you then heres a clue. Pack your shit and move. why are u still living around those raggedy bitches anyway...
I'm waiting to see the 1st rapper get arrested for some white collar shit. (not tax invasion) thats how u know you've made it.... house arrest. im not going to get into a huge complied list of rappers and the shit the shit they get locked for. (you know who you are)
but can listen rapper. if you have to get arrested can we step it up to some kinda of insurance fraud, insider trading.
Lastly, while putting together todays show i had CNN on. like to get in my daily AC360 on. however i have a bit of a problem. one of the topic on the show tonight was whether or on republicans are using what minorities called "code words" to easy race into this election. some of you may be asking What the fuck is a code word... they're talking about thinks like "soccer mom" and "joe 6 pac" minorities no relate to that kind of talk and so on and so fourth. now that isn't something that i really care about. my beef comes with the commercials that were being aired during the breaks.
the are both promoting the republican party but are border line racist. there are all white actors talking about how Obama ig going to ruin their lives if he is elected... i fought with myself about with or not im going to give you the website so u can see for yourself thus giving them free promotion but if we are going to be serious i'm positive that my.... viewer isn't going to mind too much.
you be the judge.
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